
614 lines
14 KiB

0.4.66 (2020-01-30)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Use shared parts when building softwares
0.4.65 (2019-10-30)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Allow to run scalability tests against already existing instance
0.4.64 (2019-10-10)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: fix Computer.updateConfiguration call (Compatibility with slapos.core 1.5.0)
0.4.63 (2019-10-08)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: avoid testnode crash when trying to kill a process already dead
- testnode: testnode: import xml2dict from its new place (Compatibility with slapos.core 1.5.0)
0.4.62 (2019-10-01)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Fix scalability test runner logic for importing a test suite class
0.4.61 (2019-09-18)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Fix scalability test runner
0.4.60 (2019-09-01)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Fix some typos in the SlaOS API (2019-08-13)
* erp5.util:
- Minor fix: Add missing 'six' dependency on
0.4.59 (2019-08-13)
* erp5.util:
- testnode: Update the SlapOS API
- erp5.util: add support for Python 3
- testnode: handle cases of errors when updating git repositories
- testnode: fixed condition to not build dependencies like firefox
- testnode: kill processes having slapos_directory in command line
- testnode: spawn with close_fds=True in ProcessManager
0.4.58 (2019-03-05)
* erp5.util
- testnode: Give more time to supervisord to kill subprocess [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.57 (2019-02-25)
* erp5.util
- testnode: Allow to pass max_quantity to runComputerPartition [Lukasz Nowak]
- testnode: use CPUs a bit less agressively [Jerome Perrin]
- testnode: avoid to rebuild testnode dependencies (firefox) all the time [Sebastien Robin]
- testnode: try much more agressively to kill remaining processes [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.56 (2018-09-28)
* erp5.util
- testnode: give more time for the slapos proxy to start
0.4.55 (2018-09-28)
* erp5.util
- testnode: properly support deletion of chmod'ed files [Jerome Perrin]
0.4.54 (2018-09-13)
* erp5.util
- testnode: update path of firefox
0.4.53 (2018-09-07)
* erp5.util
- testnode: give project title to runTestSuite [Sebastien Robin]
- testnode: support chmod'ed files during directories cleanups [Jerome Perrin]
0.4.52 (2018-08-21)
* erp5.util
- Make scalability testing framework more stable. Stop using a dummy frontend master
and use frontend with a valid SSL certificate instead. Always use
[Yusei Tahara]
0.4.51 (2017-07-17)
* erp5.util
- scalability testing framework [Roque Porchetto]
0.4.50 (2017-11-22)
* erp5.util.testnode
- call only methods on Distributor [Lukasz Nowak]
0.4.49 (2017-05-11)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- Wrap in xmlrpclib.Binary if needed
0.4.48 (2017-04-20)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- fix values of --firefox_bin and --xvfb_bin [Julien Muchembled]
0.4.47 (2017-04-05)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Make it more robust in cases where we have from time to time failures [Sebastien Robin]
- cosmetic: avoid -repository suffix [Julien Muchembled]
0.4.46 (2016-09-29)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Include js-logtail at the
0.4.45 (2016-08-05)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Do not block all test suites if one of them define broken repository [Sebastien Robin]
- Make sure proxy is really dead before starting new one [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.44 (2016-03-22)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Cancel test result if testnodes are unable to create partitions and unable
to find runTestSuite command.
- Set specific environment variable to build NumPy/friends & Ruby gems in
- For local repositories, ignore revision defined in software release.
- Make it possible to define slapos parameters in test suites.
0.4.43 (2015-09-02)
* erp5.util
- Make services much more reactive when server is back [Sebastien Robin]
* erp5.util.testnode
- Simple log viewer app not to download the whole suite.log [Jérôme Perrin]
- Make code more robust when checkout git files [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.42 (2014-12-02)
* erp5.util.testnode
- Typo [Jérôme Perrin]
- Run first found runTestSuite from lowest matching partition, not random one [Cédric de Saint Martin]
* erp5.util
- Drop support for Python < 2.7 [Julien Muchembled]
0.4.41 (2014-08-07)
* erp5.util.testnode
- Fix running test location [Rafael Monnerat]
* erp5.util
- Move dealShebang into Utils [Rafael Monnerat]
0.4.40 (2014-07-30)
* erp5.util.testnode
- Bugfix for erp5/util/testnode/ [Rafael Monnerat]
0.4.39 (2014-07-30)
* erp5.util.testnode
- update SlapOSControler cmd calls [Rafael Monnerat]
0.4.38 (2014-04-16)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- cleanup after the merge of scalability code [Cedric de Saint Martin]
0.4.37 (2014-01-21)
* erp5.util.scalability:
- New module [Benjamin Blanc]
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Minimize writes to storage holding MySQL databases.
0.4.36 (2013-06-30)
* erp5.util.testsuite:
- delete git repos if url has changed [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.35 (2013-06-21)
* erp5.util.testsuite:
- Fix additional_bt5_repository_id into
[Benjamin Blanc]
0.4.34 (2013-04-11)
* erp5.util.testsuite:
- allow to define sub results in tests, like we do for selenium
[Sebastien Robin]
0.4.33 (2013-03-14)
* erp5.util.zodbanalyze:
- Initial version of an improved version of ZODB's ZODB/scripts/
[Kazuhiko Shiozaki]
0.4.32 (2013-03-13)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- add handling of httplib.ResponseNotReady error message [Sebastien Robin]
- do not fail when a different test suite repository branch is specified
[Sebastien Robin]
0.4.31 (2013-03-01)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- after resetting software, retry_software_count was not resetted correctly
[Sebastien Robin]
0.4.30 (2013-02-20)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- keep almost no tmp files, sometimes there is many Gb in /tmp after
one day [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.29 (2013-02-20)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- make it able to resist to problems with slapos proxy when building
software [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.28 (2013-02-19)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- make it able to resist to problems with slapos proxy [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.27 (2013-02-15)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- testnode was still sometimes logging at several files at a time
[Sebastien Robin]
0.4.26 (2013-02-14)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- do not reraise OSError when cleaning temp files
0.4.25 (2013-02-11)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- close all timers when quitting, this makes stopping an erp5tetsnode
much faster [Sebastien Robin]
- remove hack on slapos/testnode after fix of slapos.cookbook [Sebastien Robin]
- remove old tmp files left by buildout (buildout has te bo fixed too)
[Sebastien Robin]
- remove logging handlers where the are not needed any more [Sebastien Robin]
- fixed the kill command, it was not able to kill properly childs [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.24 (2013-02-11)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Fixed wrong location for the construction os test suite software
[Sebastien Robin]
0.4.23 (2013-02-11)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Make erp5testnode allow remote access to test suite logs instead of
uploading them to master [Tatuya Kamada], [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.22 (2013-01-08)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- fix regression when used on Python < 2.7
0.4.21 (2013-01-07)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- really fix lock to avoid errors with concurrent RPC calls
* erp5.util.testnode:
- do not run test suites on deleted branches
0.4.20 (2012-12-19)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Make sure to kill grandchilds when killing a process [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.19 (2012-12-17)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Fixed undefined variable [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.18 (2012-12-14)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Solve ascii issues when deleting software [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.17 (2012-12-10)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Add thread Timer to terminate locked processes [Sebastien Robin]
- Add more unit tests [Pere Cortes]
0.4.16 (2012-11-14)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Improve handling of Xvfb and firefox [Sebastien Robin]
- check supported parameters of runTestSuite [Pere Cortes]
- add unit for runTestSuite [Pere Cortes]
0.4.15 (2012-11-07)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- fixed profile generation when software repos is not defined first
[Sebastien Robin]
- ask wich test has priority to master more often [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.14 (2012-11-05)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- force rebuilding software to avoid using old soft/code [Sebastien Robin]
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- handle another possible error with master [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.13 (2012-10-31)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Add unit test for erp5testnode (with some hardcoded path that
needs to be fixed ASAP) [Sebastien Robin]
- Split long functions into several more simple ones for code
simplicity and readability [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.12 (2012-10-25)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Fixed several issues introduced by the management of test
suite by the master [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.11 (2012-10-22)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Take test suite parameters from the master, to allow distribution
of the work by the master [Pere Cortes], [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.10 (2012-10-01)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Allow to use a firefox built by testnode for
functional tests [Gabriel Monnerat]
0.4.9 (2012-10-01)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- remove --now parameter when calling slapgrid-sr since
it is not yet well supported [Sebastien Robin]
0.4.8 (2012-09-27)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- use taskdistribution module to reduce code
[Vincent Pelletier], [Pere Cortes]
0.4.7 (2012-09-03)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- work around test lines acquiring values from parent when no value is
provided. [Vincent Pelletier]
- fix a regression introduced in 0.4.6 which allowed parallel XMLRPC calls,
which is not supported. [Rafael Monnerat]
* erp5.util.benchmark:
- check whether at least one result file could be found when generating a
scalability report. [Arnaud Fontaine]
- make sure that diagram bars are properly aligned in scalability test
report. [Arnaud Fontaine]
* erp5.util.testsuite:
- new module [Rafael Monnerat]
0.4.6 (2012-08-10)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- set socket timeout for RPC calls to prevent a deadlock happens.
[Rafael Monnerat]
0.4.5 (2012-07-04)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- xmlrpclib does not support named parameters, use positional ones
[Vincent Pelletier]
0.4.4 (2012-07-04)
* erp5.util.taskdistribution:
- New module [Vincent Pelletier]
0.4.3 (2012-04-24)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Improve detection of the cancellation of a test on the master
- better management of SIGTERM signal
- cleanup test instances to make sure nothing stay from a previous
test run
0.4.2 (2012-04-11)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Improve testnode logs
- add a thread to upload ongoing logs to the master regularly
- if the software release is not built successfully after a
few time, totally erase software. This help unblocking if
buildout is unable to update software.
- check if the last test result was cancelled in order to
allow relaunching test without restarting testnode
0.4.1 (2012-02-29)
* erp5.util.testnode:
- Improve testnode's reliability when contacting remote master
- Try to build software releases multiple times before giving up
0.3 (2011-12-23)
* erp5.util.webchecker:
- Imported from
Utility to check caching policy of websites
* erp5.util.testnode:
- improve logging [Sebastien Robin]
- fix passing bt5_path [Gabriel Monnerat]
- fix profile_path concatenation [Nicolas Delaby]
- fix git updating and parsing repository paths [Julien Muchembled]
* erp5.util.benchmark:
- new utility, work in progress [Arnaud Fontaine]
0.2 (2011-09-20)
* Imported from
- erp5.util.test_browser:
Programmable browser for functional and performance tests for ERP5
- erp5.util.benchmark:
Performance benchmarks for ERP5 with erp5.utils.test_browser
0.1 (2011-08-08)
* erp5.util.testnode imported from recipe-like slapos.cookbook
[Łukasz Nowak]